14 September 2011


Hey guys!

Not much to day as far as cubing goes.

Amazon STILL has not decided that they do in fact have my textbook. It was scanned as being delivered 2:00 am on Friday, which means that, unless UPS is lying, they've had it for nearly 120 hours, or 5 full days. Granted, they probably don't do much on Sundays, and hey, I'll even give them Saturday (who doesn't need some days off here and there?). But really guys, what the hell did you do Friday? Monday? Tuesday? I mean, really, I'm not even asking that you have appraised it already (although you totally could have; I'm sure the department it's sent to exists solely to do just that), but just for you, Amazon, to let me know that you're processing it. I'm getting both pretty frustrated and apprehensive about this, the last thing I want is my book valued at $78 dollars to have gotten lost in your bull.

So, clearly, I don't have the money in my Amazon account yet, and so have not been able to order the cubes I mentioned earlier.

As far as cubing goes, I really haven't had much time to cube lately. But, I have actually done some cubing during my breaks on campus, and so far no one has kicked sand in my face and called me a dork, so hopefully that continues.

Also, my other cubes like trying to eat the stickers off of my V-5. Apparently, the stickers' adhesive is not as good as it once was, because more than once, this has happened:

Usually, the culprit is my LanLan 4x4, but this time it was my QJ Mini 3x3. Sometimes it's an orange V-5 sticker, it's been a black one before, and this time it's clearly my red ones. There will be another cube, one of which's stickers is slightly coming up. I guess the corner of that slides under the V-5 stickers (and always with the sticky sides facing each other), and then I have a cube with V-5 stickers stuffed guiltily in its mouth. Like above.

Moral of the story? I need to place a CubeSmith order soon.

Til next time

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