12 September 2011

I know, I know...

Hey guys!

So it's legit been a week since I've posted.

I'm sorry.

As much as I don't know how you've made it these last 168 hours or so without any new content from me (unless you've been checking out my other blog, which is only slightly more recent), I'm glad you survived.

There's really not much to say now, I just wanted you guys to know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. I will do my absolute best to post tomorrow; I have a break in the middle of the day and I'm not sure that I'll rally have anything to do in that time, so hopefully you'll be hearing from me.

But, just in case you were wondering, this is one of my favorite puzzles right now:

Both because of the kind of puzzle it is and because of the brand of puzzle. V-cubes are really good quality (despite what the chipped, play-doh looking stickers suggest), and 5x5's are just fun in general. They're a significant enough puzzle that it takes satisfying amount of time to solve (about 4 minutes, as opposed to the 40 seconds for a 3x3), but much more practical than my 15 minute solves for the 7x7. Plus, this one is so much fun to solve because its such a great quality cube.

So, that's it for now. Sorry for the kind of lame update, but it's better than nothing.

P.S. Amazon, although having received my textbook, have yet to appraise the book and deposit the money into my account, so I have yet to place the cube order mentioned in the last post.

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