05 September 2011

Another Cube Order

Yet again, I've fiddled with the display settings on the blog. Hopefully you like them. I've added a couple polls, they should be displaying to the right as we speak. Please answer them. :D. I've also updated my About Me section, added the picture at the top right, and have changed the font and tweaked the width settings. Let me know what you think.

Also, I started a WordPress blog. I'm going to try to get a feel for it, maybe blog there for a while (don't worry, if I blog there about cubes, I'll have identical posts here). Maybe, I'll have a personal blog there! I've been feeling like I needed one. So, maybe I'll start a personal blog there, and then perhaps I'll like one or the other (Blogger or Wordpress) a good deal more and will decide to move to one exclusively. We'll just have to see.

So, the main point of this post is to talk the next cube order I'm going to place! I'll be mailing my linear algebra book from last semester to Amazon soon (hopefully tomorrow), and with the credit I'll get from that I plan to get a few cubes. Yay!

So, let's take a look that cubes I'll be getting.

The first cube I'll talk about is this one. It's an Eastsheen brand 2x2, and, as you can clearly, annoyingly see, it's from Sara's Toy Store. It's also white, which makes me happy: I really prefer white cubes. The colors pop more, whereas with black cubes everything looks dark and muddled. I just wish companies would stop putting white stickers on white cubes; while sometimes it's nifty, black on white is gorgeous. Hell, replace yellow with white if you really want white stickers, but really, keep black on there.

Anyway, I'm pretty stoked about this one. My brother's new Eastsheen 2x2 is kinda tight, but it's also not broken in yet. I've heard they're pretty good once broken in. Also, I have but one, single 2x2 (unless you count my Rubik's Jr., which sucks).

The next one I'll mention is also an Eastsheen, and also, obviously, from Sara's. This one, though, is a 4x4, and is also white (just in case you can read but are blind to pictures). I'm pretty stoked about this one, too. My brother's new 4x4 is nice, and, while it still needs some breaking in, is almost better than any of my 4x4's. If not already.

Eastsheens are also just known for being pretty high-quality puzzles for their price. I've been getting more into bigger puzzles lately, which has increased my desire for variety as well as better quality puzzles. I like having the same puzzle from a few different manufacturers, because they're always at least slightly different. They feel different to turn, and also to solve. So, this will provide me with some 4x4 variety as well as with a better quality 4x4.

Next, I'm finishing off the set and getting the Eastsheen 5x5. They only make 2x2s, 4x4s, and 5x5s (does anyone else find it odd that they don't offer 3x3s?), and so this way I'll have all of them. Plus, there's the same variety factor. I've only got 2 5x5s (my V-Cube and my new pillowed QJ), and so this will give me a third, different one. I don't expect it to be better than my V-5, but I think it'll be pretty nice and I'm just interested in their's.

The next puzzle I'm getting is called the 'Out-of-Focus-4x4.' Just kidding, it's just a crappy picture. It's the YJ 4x4. I have the YJ 3x3, as well as the Axis cube and the Fisher cube by them. I know, I know, knock-offs. I honestly did not know what a knock-off was or how to identify them when I ordered those, I was just looking for some interesting puzzles. But, oh well.

 YJ puzzles tend to have a light, airy feel to them, seem to have dry, but nearly resistance-free, turning, and, once lubed with silicone, turn pretty fast. I'm pretty stoked about it, and it will satisfy the aforementioned need for variety.

Next up sort of goes along with the previous one: the YJ 5x5. I'm pretty excited for this one as well, because of many of the same reasons above.

It surely wont be as good as my V-5, and it could be as good as, slightly better than, or worse than my Eastsheen 5x5. Hopefully it will have the same proficiency at corner-cutting that my YJ 3x3 has, which is a bit but not a lot.

Another thing to note about this puzzle is that it's small. It's the same size as the YJ 4x4, with a side length of 6 cm. I wonder how that's going to feel to solve.

 Finally, this one has the potential to be the best of all of the puzzles I'll be getting in this shipment. It's the DaYan + mf8 4x4. Both of those companies are pretty respected, as far as quality goes, and I'm excited to try out the fruit of their combined efforts.

This is also just ranked as a pretty sweet 4x4 in its own right, regardless of the reputation of the manufacturers. I've seen more people raving about the Maru 4x4 and the X-Cube 4x4, but I've seen my fair share of positive praise for this one.

It's funny, it's going to stand out from my others in this order in a few ways. First, it's supposedly going to be the best one I'm getting. Second, it's the only black one. And third, it's the only one that isn't part of a pair or grouping (Eastsheen 2x2, 4x4, 5x5; YJ 4x4, 5x5).

All in all, I'm really excited. Writing this post motivated me to really try to get my book out tomorrow so that I can get these cubes sooner. I can't wait to try them all out.

Also, as far as a status update goes, I know I still need to post the corresponding posts for the two Tutorials on my channel right now, and I know I need to get a Master Skewb tutorial up. It's just hard to find a solid chunk of free time between work and school, but I promise, I haven't forgotten about it.

So check out this video, which is of another one of Oskar van Deventer's awesome puzzles, and don't forget to vote in the polls to the right and leave any feedback on the blog layout, the post content, or any other thoughts or opinions in the comment section below. Thanks for reading!

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