26 August 2011


So, it's been about a week since I updated.

My bad.

I've been pretty darn busy. School started this week, and I've been working at two stores at 40+ hours this week, so I've had literally no free time. At all. I haven't even had much time to cube. Yeah, it's that bad.

But, there WILL be more posts this weekend. I promise. I have tomorrow off, and a huge chunk of free time in the afternoon. I have a post I'm going to be making for this guy, as well as a post accompanying my most recent video. Plus I want to post about my current times (which are a good deal better than the last time post). And I need to post because I have some new cubes in the mail... So yeah, I really need to get on that. And that doesn't include any of the videos I've currently got queued up.

But, I just wanted to post to let you guys know that I'm not dead, nor have I forgotten about this blog. I have to go now, because I have to work, but enjoy this. I really like Pi's creativeness when it comes to videos.

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