03 August 2011

So, It's Been a While...

So, clearly it's been a while since I've posted on this blog (with the only current post being the original one). I have since finished the computer course that I started this as an assignment for, so from now on it's up to me to update it. Speaking of that course, I wonder if any of the people will ever see this blog again, after that assignment. Hmm...

Regardless, I'm writing to say that I'm going to be hopefully updating more frequently. I had planned on possibly posting a new video to the channel mentioned in the previous post today (this sentence has a plethora of 'p's... did anyone else perhaps perceive their popularity?), but obviously I did not get around to it. But, I think I may tomorrow. I spent some time this morning learning how to use iMovie, and while I'm a long way away from knowing all of its ins and outs, I feel like the ability to edit out thinking pauses and misspeaks will help a good deal in making the videos more watchable. I think tomorrow I'll post a video on the 3x3x2 Super Square-1 I mentioned last post, again because no one has posted a tutorial on it, or even a review, so far as I can tell. Perhaps after that I'll post one on how to solve the Master Skewb, because that one has been even harder to find videos on, and the only tutorial I've found has been text, not video, and I feel that video is the best, and really only merit-possessing, method for learning how to solve puzzles.

I think how this is going to work is that I'll perhaps post on the blog to accompany the video posts; a review video would have a complementary blog post that would perhaps be more in depth, for example. Who knows. We'll just have to wait and see, wont we?

Until then, have a great night, and enjoy checking out the craziness that is the biggest cube yet.

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